Bundaberg Region Public Art Master Plan

Bundaberg Region Public Art Master Plan Consultation - February 2023
Council is developing Public Art Master Plan and has recently released a Discussion Paper and survey for consultation.
The Public Art Master Plan will be an important document, when complete, as it will be used to assess all public art proposals in the region. This includes the existing and future public artworks in Bargara Headlands, the Yarning Circle and the Bargara Mosaic Trail proposal.
To ensure your voice is heard, please take a few minutes to check out the discussion paper, respond to the on-line survey and most importantly add your comments in Q.3. The easiest way to find the web page is to do a Google search on Bundaberg Regional Council Public Art Master Plan.
We encourage you to please let the Council know in Q3. whether you like the existing artworks (mosaics etc) in the Bargara Headlands Estate and along the coast, and whether you want to see more of these. It would be great if you could include any stories of your and visitor reactions to the artworks and how you believe they effect the community spirit in the area.
The survey closes on 20 February 2023, so don’t miss the opportunity to respond and have your voice heard.