Homeowner Information
There are a few things that might come in handy when you build at Bargara Headlands Estate. We have listed a couple here and hope that our residents may share some of their tips and tricks to help others too. If so please send them via our Contact Form
We all love it here and most of you know what we are all about;
Community - Connection - Environment

NBN - Fibre to the Premises
Firstly Bargara Headlands Estate has NBN Fibre to the Premises (FFTP). This is important for a couple of factors.
- Fibre doesn't like tight corners. This is worth mentioning to your builder early as when they do the slab for your home they need to consider the lead in conduit. This elbow needs to be a large sweep type and not the normal tight one used for copper.
- When you apply for a new connection you need to ask for FFTP which is different to FFTN which is fibre to the node. If you are having difficulty with NBN or a reseller finding your address we have a list of LOC ID's here which you can quote and they will definitely be able to find you with.
- Because we offer fibre to the premises the services available to you are more than just a copper connection. This includes TV services over the fibre and that means you don't have to put a TV aerial on your roof. As your NBN Connections team about these options.

Turtle Lighting
We do have a specific covenant page which covers this but it is worth mentioning again as there are some homes still being built that do not take this important aspect into consideration.
We have a large number of endangered Loggerhead Turtles who lay their eggs on the beach in front of Bargara Headlands and so it is important for us to take responsibility to do what we can to help them.
This means minimizing light spill as much as possible. So flood lights on houses pointing to driveways and out to the ocean are a massive problem. With a little thought though you can still light your driveway when you need it and in a way that limits the harsh light spill from these lights. This might look like a light at the front of the block pointing back towards the house which is on a sensor so it only comes on when you need it. You can also use shades that shade the light and stop it from spilling out where its not needed.
Of course the use of blinds at night will also keep the light in where you want it and not shining out and accumulating with other homes to cause a larger body of light that will disrupt the Turtles.
You can have your existing windows tinted to help as well. Here is a link to a local company who has a fantastic product who can come and help cut the glow from your home. Wide Bay Tinting - Click link below to visit their page:
Native Trees
We are all about local natives. They are proven to grow here and they offer habitat for local wildlife as well. You will notice we try and plant natives whenever we do a planting.
To carry that philosophy on we offer everyone who builds at Bargara Headlands a FREE Tray of Native plants from the Bundaberg LandCare Nursery.
To get your free tray of natives just contact Molly via the Contact Form and give him your names and Lot number and he will send you a voucher.

Street Trees & Footpaths
Going forward from the Fraser Stage we have not put street trees in along the footpath. We want our Street Trees to survive and they struggle and get in the way when you are building. So we would rather work with you to add these later and give you an opportunity to have a say in their placement.
Please understand that we still need to put these in as it is a Council requirement and what we have done is to give Council a Bond to be able to do this. We get the bond back when the street trees are in.
A footpath is the flat area on the road reserve in front of your lot. This is the case even if there is not a concrete path there. So when you build your driveway you need to ensure this remains flat so people can still walk along the footpath. If you fill this area Council will send you a non-compliance notice.

Bundaberg LandCare
Bundaberg Landcare have a wide variety of Native Plants for your yard. The knowledgeable staff know our area and can suggest the right plants for you. Keep an eye on opening times;
Wednesday, Thursday & Fridays; 9:00 to 4:00
7 Killer St, Svensson Heights QLD 4670
Phone: 0466 884 128
Email: bundylandcarenursery@gmail.com