Bargara Headlands – Picture Gallery;

Here are a number of picture galleries showing the progress of Bargara Headlands Estate. Double click on the images to view them. There are a few videos among the pictures as well. They start from the latest right back to the beginning. Enjoy.

June 2022

June has seen a lot of work done with the roundabout now completed and kerb going down.

May 2022

May saw a lot of rain which slowed our progress down considerably.

April 2022

March 2022

The first video here actually took place in February but the tree planting has extended through March, and we have lots of images and videos in February.

There has been a fair amount of rain this month so far and we have been slowed down a little. They guys are still slopping around in the mud getting done what they can.

February 2022

Well what a month, lots if pictures in this months gallery. The new bridge sections were installed on the 16th Feb 2022. We still need to add the ends and wing walls. We have to pour more foundations for these. Hopefully mid next month to finish it off. Massive month of production.

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January 2022

We started the foundations on the new bridge this month. This took a lot more work than first anticipated as the sub grade wasn’t very friendly. So we had to pour whats called a Blinding Foundation. This is a base that the actual foundations sit on. The bridge sections aren’t far away so we need to get a wriggle on.

December 2021

This month we saw the installation of Whale Rock. A masterpiece forged from a rock from Headlands. Our artist in residence, Paul Perry, chose the rock and added sculptural effects and a couple of eyes. Local artist John Olsen created some pectoral fins to finish the piece. The sculpture resembles a whale breaching. Paul also created two large mosaics which he installed on some more large rocks from on site and placed on either side of the Turtle Trail. Of course we had to name the rock sculpture “Whale Rock” and the park area is “Whale Lookout”. We observed Humpbacked Whales on their migration this year from this very spot. We think its the best place to see the Whales on the East Coast, but we might be a little bias.

November 2021

This month we created a new addition around the Yarning Circle. We call it the Serpent, a series of rocks strategically placed in the form of a snake or serpent. The rocks are all different heights and you can walk along the top right up to the Yarning Circle. How quickly can you do it without falling off?

October 2021

Lots of work is being done on our Water Sensitive Urban Design wetlands at the moment with loads of rocks being brought in to line the sides of the wetlands. This area will polish the storm water before it goes out into the ocean.

September 2021

Work is now full steam ahead on the Headlands Green Stage. This includes a massive water sensitive urban designed environmental wetlands. The storm water from the roads will go into this area and be ‘polished’ before it goes out to the sea. This is not something that we have to do but we choose to do this to help our reef and do the best we can.

August 2021

Fraser Ave is now sealed, line marking done, sign posts in, green boys nearly done. Light poles go in on Monday as well as the street stencils. We should get a sealed plan next week which means title deeds aren’t far away.

July 2021

The intersection onto Logan Road is nearly done. Final trim happening on the road. Asphalt booked for next week. We have had a little rain over the weekend (about 3 inches) but it fell fairly lightly so we hope no runoff onto the new road. Getting really close now.

Take a serenade down Fraser Ave, the Galah’s love it and so do we. The rain did put us back a bit so road sealing is Monday week. The intersection on to Logan Road is getting close, kerb next week.

June 2021

It is dry again around Bargara Headlands Estate, which is not a bad thing for development work.

The Fraser Stage is really coming together and we are a matter of weeks away from completing this stage. The asphalt is ordered for the middle of July.

It is great to see so many houses being built on the Estate with many new slabs going down every day.

May 2021

All of the service road crossing are in. Sewerage, storm water and water mains are all in except for a short span on Logan Road. Sub-grade gravel is going down and we have the kerb booked for the first week in June. Its all looking pretty close to being on track for a completion in July.

April 2021

We expected to get a lot of rain this month which would have slowed up up a bit. We did get some but not what was predicted. We worked the sandy ground down by the ocean after the little rain we did get. So the contractors haven’t really missed a beat and we are well on track for a completion in June this year.

March 2021

Our coastline is so magnificent. We just cant get enough of it. Here are some stunning images.

February 2021

Back into it with the start on the Fraser Stage. The crew are back in action and roads are cut in and sewerage starting to go in as well.

A highlight of the month was the creation of a Yarning Circle for our local Tagiblang-Bunda friends. With their help and some direction from the elders we created something special.

We also had a bunch of Land Management Students from the local TAFE come down and they got to experience some cultural exchange with a welcome to country at the opening of the Yarning Circle with Byron Broome and Nikki Tiger.

Lastly we planted 400-500 local native trees on a mound within Bargara Headlands Estate. These will grow into an amazing forest that we hope to expand over time.

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January 2021

With a bit of rain Bargara Headlands Estate starts to pop. There have been a lot of new homes started and with the next stages of Hayman, Irving and Lady Musgrave Dr now all sold it is great to see a start on homes in these areas.

We opened the balance of Logan Road this week also which I am sure will please the locals no end.

December 2020

The end of November and beginning of December saw the completion of the Hayman and Irving Stages. The plan was sealed by Council and titles issued in the first week of December. This was a great feat with amazing input by many. Will almost all of the blocks pre-sold it was imperative to get this done on time. December also saw us purchase the old Bargara Quarry behind Bargara Headlands. There is a short video in this gallery showing images from the start to date and an quick introduction to the extension of Bargara Headlands. Exciting times ahead.

November 2020

We have been very fortunate that the weather has held up for us with only a few showers passing through over the last few weeks. on the 10th we pre-sealed both Hayman and Irving Place as well as the Turtle Trail. Logan Road will get sealed this month too.

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October 2020

We are really pushing the envelope now. The Irving Stage is being built at the same time as Hayman Place. We are on track and the weather looks favorable for us to push on.


September 2020

Great progress on the Hayman Stage. We look like we are ahead at this stage. Pushing on with creating the extension to the Turtle Trail along the coast to eventually get to the rotunda and the Rifle Range walking track.

Go Bargara Headlands Estate!

August 2020

A big push now to get The Hayman Stage and Logan Road finished before Christmas.

July 2020

A cooler month but good for digging and moving dirt around. We are now setting our sights on Hayman and Irving.

June 2020

June saw the release of the Fairfax Stage. This 10 block expansion of Bargara Headlands Estate almost sold out before it was released. We created our own Loggerhead Turtle stencil to stamp the asphalt at the beginning and the cul-de-sac end. It looks amazing!

May 2020

Houses are starting to pop up in Bargara Headlands Estate’s first stage. We have almost completed Stage 2 which we call the Fairfax Stage after the cul-de-sac’s name. Such a beautiful coastline, especially in the winter months.


We commissioned local ceramic artist Paul Perry to make and install eleven mosaics around Bargara Headlands Estate. Have you seen them all?

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April 2020

Some amazing days along the waterfront just a stones throw from Bargara Headlands. It is such a privilege to be able to live this close to the water. A stroll along the beach of an afternoon sees the cares of the day melt away.

March 2020

This was a very special month for us as we now have title deeds we can start to settle the many Contracts we have in train. The first of these was for Darryl and Lauri on Lot 10. This was so significant that we arranged for the banks and solicitors to attend settlement on the block at Bargara Headlands Estate.

February 2020

And finally the rains came and gave us some relief. Kalina Creek ran for the first time and our parks got some much needed fresh rain. The difference is amazing with the grass now growing. Our trees have also had a spurt which is excellent. But more importantly on the 28th of February we finally got the plan for the first stage registered and title deeds issued.

January 2020

This month saw a massive milestone for us. The official opening without any officials and the Auction of Lot 17. You can see all the cars lined up and the people who attended. Lot 17 didn’t sell at Auction … but that’s ok. It is waiting for the right person.

December 2019

November 2019

October 2019

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September 2019

August 2019

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July 2019

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June 2019

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May 2019

Nov 2018

View Whats For Sale at Bargara Headlands Estate